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Register a trademark

Our service simplifies the process of trademark registration, ensuring that your brand, logo, or slogan is protected.

We assist you throughout the trademark application process, from conducting a search to filing with the USPTO and handling office actions.

Enter your word mark to see if it is available for trademark registration with the US Patent and Trademark Office.

Search Your Trademark

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Our 3-Step Trademark Registration Process

Step 1: 
Search & Clearance Report
  • TM Search: We conduct a comprehensive search to identify potential conflicts with existing trademarks.

  • Clearance Report: We provide you a detailed report on the availability of your desired trademark and likelihood of success.

  • Lawyer Analysis: Our lawyer will review your options prior to filings which can save you thousands of dollars.

Step 2: 
USPTO Trademark 
Application Filing
  • TM Class Selection: We will review your options for specific classes and determine the appropriate classes for you.

  • Draft Descriptions: Having the proper description of goods or services could mean the difference in having your mark registered. We take the guesswork out of this.

  • Lawyer Analysis: Our lawyers will prepare the USPTO filing and send you a preview prior to filing. We will act as the attorney of record moving forward..

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Step 3: 
USPTO Trademark 
  • TM Watch: We will stay on top of the latest developments in your trademark application. You can expect that with USPTO delays this could take 8+ months. We will notify you of any Office Actions and timelines.

  • Action Reviews: If any USPTO responses are required, we will first notify you and review your options on a consultation.

  • Action Responses: We will manage your responses and reach out to the USPTO on your behalf. This is done on an additional hourly basis.

Trademark Filing:
$1000 + USPTO Filing Fees

Why Choose StartupTechLaw To Register Your Trademark 

Filing for a trademark may seem simple but did you know nearly half of all trademark applications are rejected? If you don't want to risk errors or filing your application incorrectly then having StartupTechLaw trademark lawyers is a great option for trademark application.

Our experienced lawyers can review your mark, help you decide on class selection, file your application properly and respond to any USPTO trademark office actions on your behalf.


Brand Expertise 

StartupTechLaw founder Richard Rodgers is not only a lawyer but also a former CMO and an adjunct professor of brand marketing. His
 extensive knowledge and experience in building brands combined with trademark law can help you select and protect your brand name, slogan or logo design.

We will help you navigate the complex process of trademark application and also protect your brand assets.




StartupTechLaw will provide personalized service to you from the initial search to USPTO approval. We will work closely with you to understand your business, your brand and your trademark needs to tailor your application accordingly. 

Unlike do-it-yourself or economy trademark services, you will have an experienced trademark attorney to work with you throughout the entire process.



Our trademark application service is budget-friendly, priced slightly higher than DIY sites but significantly lower than big law firms. We strive to make getting a trademark both stress-free and affordable with experienced trademark lawyers on your side.


Additionally, we provide a free second search for an alternative name or design if we determine that your trademark is unlikely to be approved. We can also help you save time and avoid common mistakes that may result in your being rejected.

Trademark Filing:
$1000 + USPTO Filing Fees

Reasons To Register A Trademark 

Increase Your Brand Value

A registered trademark can add significant financial value to your business. It can be leveraged as an asset in various business transactions, such as licensing agreements, partnerships, or even selling the business.

Investors and potential buyers can view a registered trademark as a sign of having a valuable brand and business asset, making your company more attractive for investment and growth opportunities.

Exclusive Rights 

A registered trademark gives you the exclusive right to use your name, symbol or slogan in commerce. Protecting your mark, logo or slogan is crucial for your business success. Once registered you get to place an ® symbol next to your brand which notifies others of your protected mark. 

By obtaining a trademark protection, you can safeguard your brand and reputation, and prevent others from profiting off similar names.

National & International Protection

A trademark with the USPTO provides nationwide protection of your mark. You get additional benefits such as filing in federal court and getting attorney's fees if you are infringed upon.


International trademark protection ensures that your brand maintains a consistent identity across different markets. Build a strong, recognizable brand that customers can trust, no matter where they are.

Trademark registration made easy.
Let's Get Started!

Register Your Trademark

Trademark Filing:
$1000 + Federal Filing Fees


  • 1 USPTO Trademark search and clearance report.

  • Trademark lawyer consultation to discuss your brand, review your mark and filing classes.

  • USPTO filing and attorney of record during the course of your filing.

  • USPTO fees are not included and are $350 per class payable directly to USPTO at the time of actual filing. Your lawyer will assist you in determining the classes.

First, tell us what you want to protect:
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